Review: The Ends of the World (The Conspiracy of Us #3) by Maggie Hall


The Ends of the World
Series: The Conspiracy of Us #3
Author: Maggie Hall
Published July 18th 2017 by G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers

Goodreads Synopsis
The Circle is hers. But Avery West has lost everything else: her mother, the family she’d just found, and the one boy she trusted. In their place are unfathomable power, a staged relationship that makes her question every real feeling she’s ever had, and a mission to find the cure to the virus that’s made her own blood a weapon.

Then disaster strikes, turning Avery, Stellan, Jack, and Elodie into the most wanted people in the world. To clear their names and the growing rift between the families of the Circle before the world dissolves into World War Three, they’ll have to make a desperate, dangerous final race for Alexander the Great’s tomb. What they will find inside will mean the world’s salvation—or destruction.

Avery will have to decide how much she’s willing to sacrifice—for the world, for family, and for love—in this conclusion to the Conspiracy of Us series.

I have never, and will never, deny how much I adore this series! It embodies the ancient history that I love, with intrigue, politics, love, etc. The final instalment of the series did not disappoint, and I think this might've actually been the best book of all. Now that the Circle know the truth about Avery and Stellan, they basically own the Circle. Creating the 13th family, they use their connections to try and find Alexander the Great's lost tomb, before it becomes too later, and the virus is unleashed. However, Avery's half-siblings have started to weaponise their stock of the virus, and it's a race to prove they aren't making it all up, before their lose everything.

I love Avery and Stellan so much! From book 1 to the end of this book, their character developments have been unbelievable. Both have their own goals in mind, but they're willing to put them on the back burner in order to save humanity. The same goes for their attraction to each other - they've been fighting that for so long, that I almost thought it was just wishful thinking that they would be together, but their relationship in this book was wonderful, and so swoony! Jack, who'd been a love interest in previous books - and in the last book, really got on my nerves - wasn't really a factor in the love triangle that had been coming. He grew too, but not enough to get me to like his character again, not really. Elodie's revelations and help in guiding Avery through difficult times made me love her even more, and I'm glad we got to see as much of her in this book too.

The plot was outstanding, and unlike in other YA books I've read recently, I didn't see all of the twists and turns coming. Some of the action was so well planned and woven into the story that it just flowed perfectly, and I honestly couldn't have asked for a better ending to this series! I look forward to seeing what Maggie releases next.

Dates Read:
July 26, 2017

5 Stars

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