ARC Review: Miss Rose and the Vexing Viscount (The Triplet Orphans #1) by Catherine Tinley


Miss Rose and the Vexing Viscount
Series: The Triplet Orphans #1
Author: Catherine Tinley
Published October 26th 2023 by Mills & Boon Historical

Goodreads Synopsis
An unsuitable match for the Viscount

And not just because she vexes him!

One of The Triplet Orphans. Bookworm Rose Lennox has no interest in making her debut—she’s only in London to discover the truth of her parentage. Her sponsor’s nephew James, Viscount Ashbourne, is equally cynical about the marriage mart, yet they still rile each other every time they speak! The sparks of animosity soon become flames of attraction, but Rose’s unknown past means she can never be a viscount’s wife…

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher, via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

When they turn 21, orphaned triplets Annabelle, Isobel, and Rosabella Lennox are told by their guardian that it was their mother's wish for them to head to London for a Season. Giving each of them a challenge to discover more about their mother, and her reason for being in Scotland alone, they head out for an adventure. However, youngest sister Rose is less inclined to the social side of the Season, and would rather return to Elgin to become a teacher. However, her host's handsome nephew, James, Viscount Ashbourne, may just be the one to make her reconsider. But would a viscount ever want to be with a bookworm whose parentage is unknown?

When I first started reading this book, I clearly wasn't in the right mood for it, as I only got 2 chapters in, and wasn't hooked. However, when I tried again, the triplets story gripped my attention, and the more time that James and Rose were together, I needed to read on to see them hopefully get a happy ending. Rose was always the shier of the sisters, but with James she was comfortable enough to snap back, and make snarky comments, cementing their friendship greatly. Both fell hard for the other, but fought their attraction as much as possible. I hated the third act breakup scenes, but James's actions more than made up for it. The discovery at the end of the book on who exactly their mother had been was fantastic, and though I'd guessed at the connection earlier, it was lovely to see it play out. The other sister's have had their stories planned out, and I can clearly see who their love interests are going to be - I can't wait for Isobel's with her prince!

Dates Read:
April 28, 2024

4 Stars

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