ARC Review: A Most Improper Duchess (The Three Graces #1) by Alanna Lucas


A Most Improper Duchess
Series: The Three Graces #1
Author: Alanna Lucas
Published July 5th 2023 by Dragonblade Publishing, Inc.

Goodreads Synopsis
Secret salons and forbidden tendres. The Season promises to be scandalous.

After their parents’ deaths, the three Grace sisters must leave their family home for their first season in London. But how will Alexandra, the eldest Miss Grace, fare in the ton’s infamous marriage mart? She’s determined to marry for love. If only she could find a husband like her childhood friend, Niall, Duke of Blackburn, but with added passion.

Caught up in Society’s whirlwind, Alexandra soon realizes eligible gentlemen may want to make suitable matches, but once wed, their true desires will be reserved for their mistresses. Enlisting her sisters’ support, she sets up secret salons with trusted female acquaintances at which they can discuss the conundrum of men’s true nature versus finding a happy marriage.

However, the salons raise more questions than answers, and realizing she will only gain the knowledge the ladies seek by talking with a man, Alexandra approaches Niall. But discussing matters of an intimate nature proves very different from talking about art and architecture, and the friendship Alexandra has always felt rapidly turns into something more. Can she really be falling for her very proper childhood friend?

Niall takes his role in life seriously. He’s a proper fellow, decided in his ways to stand up for those unable to protect themselves. That’s what dukes do—sustain traditions and serve with dignity. When an old friend from Eton asks Niall to watch over his three sisters, how can he refuse? If anyone can assist ladies in their entrance to Society, it’s a duke.

Strict and timely, practiced, and nuanced, Niall knows just what it takes to master the ins and outs of civilization. But sometimes the most proper thing to do is give in.

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher, via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

Entering her debut season at the age of 24, Miss Alexandra Grace and her sisters are embarking on a new adventure. Losing their parents, and being told by their brother that they have a season to find husbands, the three Grace sisters need all the help they can get. So when they realise that they don't know anywhere near as much as they need to about men, and intimacy, Alexandra turns to her best friend, and the only one who has ever been there for her, Niall, Duke of Blackburn. But she's always had feelings for him, and he for her, and he's due to announce his engagement to a more 'suitable' bride any day now. Talking to him about intimacy, knowing they can never be together is heartbreaking, but is there a way for them to be together?

I was scrolling through my kindle shelf and realised I had the entire Three Graces series on my to-read shelf, and they sounded perfect to read this weekend. I loved the idea of the three sisters forming a salon group to help all young women before they were married, and ensure that they weren't forced into unwanted marriages. They had all suffered during their parents' illnesses, and only really had each other for love and affection. I felt for Alexandra so much. She was the eldest sister, so she had dealt with a lot, and didn't want to burden anyone, so kept it all to herself. Niall knew a little, but even he, a duke, could only help so much. Their romance was so sweet, and it was so hard seeing them pining for each other. I wished it was easier for them to be together, but they had to combat all of the outside pressures to be able to be together. It made them a better couple, and I hope we get to see a lot more of them in the sequels.

Dates Read:
April 19, 2024

3 Stars

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