ARC Review: Sophie Someone by Hayley Long


Sophie Someone
Series: None
Author: Hayley Long
Published May 5th 2016 by Hot Key Books

Goodreads Synopsis
A remarkable tale of confusion and betrayal - and a very special girl called Sophie.

'Some stories are hard to tell.
Even to your very best friend.
And some words are hard to get out of your mouth. Because they spell out secrets that are too huge to be spoken out loud.
But if you bottle them up, you might burst.
So here's my story. Told the only way I dare tell it.'

Sophie Nieuwenleven is sort of English and sort of Belgian. Sophie and her family came to live in Belgium when she was only four or five years old, but she's fourteen now and has never been quite sure why they left England in the first place. Then, one day, Sophie makes a startling discovery. Finally Sophie can unlock the mystery of who she really is. This is a story about identity and confusion - and feeling so utterly freaked out that you just can't put it into words. But it's also about hope. And the belief that, somehow, everything will work out OK.

SOPHIE SOMEONE is a tale of well-intentioned but stupid parenting, shock, acceptance and, ultimately, forgiveness, written in a brave, memorable and unique language all of its own.

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher. This in no way impacted on my view.

I think this will probably be a fairly quick review. Sophie Someone has got to be one of the most confusing books I have ever read, and not in a good way. As soon as you start it, you see that Sophie has a weird made up language - which isn't explained until right at the end - and I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, in case it was a for an important reason, but it wasn't, in my opinion. Every other word has been changed to something, and some made sense, but others really didn't. I found that part of the book so jarring and annoying, that I didn't want to care about Sophie, or her situation, even if it had been any good. The reason for the whole book, and Sophie's story was easy to guess from about page 5, and I found myself just skimming the last half. I hoped it would pick up, but it didn't. I'm going to say this is probably 1.5 stars, but I won't be recommending it to anyone, and thank god it's now off my NG shelf and I didn't spend money on it!

Dates Read:
October 23-24, 2022

2 Stars

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