ARC Review: The State of Grace by Rachael Lucas


The State of Grace
Series: None
Author: Rachael Lucas
Published April 6th 2017 by Macmillan Children's Books

Goodreads Synopsis
"Sometimes I feel like everyone else was handed a copy of the rules for life and mine got lost."

Grace has Asperger's and her own way of looking at the world. She's got a horse and a best friend who understand her, and that's pretty much all she needs. But when Grace kisses Gabe and things start to change at home, the world doesn't make much sense to her any more.

Suddenly everything threatens to fall apart, and it's up to Grace to fix it on her own.

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher. This in no way impacted on my view.

For Grace, her view of the world is different to that of most others. As someone with Asperger's, her main loves in life are her horse, and her best friend, so when things at home start to change, and a boy kisses her, Grace's life is different to what she once knew.

When I remembered that I hadn't read this book, though it had been on my NG shelf for a while, I decided to request the book from my library and try to clear it off. I wanted to really like it, but I didn't really have much substance to it, that kept me hooked. The story was a little wishy washy, and I appreciated that Grace's world was different to how I might view mine, and she did get overwhelmed by what was happening, but by the end, I was sort of skimming it to see if it picked up at all, and unfortunately it didn't. 

Dates Read:
September 16-17, 2022

3 Stars

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