ARC Review: A Marquis In Want Of A Wife (Liberated Ladies #3) by Louise Allen


A Marquis In Want Of A Wife
Series: Liberated Ladies #3
Author: Louise Allen
Published November 26th 2020 by Mills & Boon Historical

Goodreads Synopsis
A convenient marriage

No inconvenient emotions

Ross Vincent, Marquis of Cranford, with his scarred face and formidable disposition knows he’s hardly a catch. But he needs a wife to take care of his motherless son. Shy, scholarly Prudence Scott seems ideal: she has no expectation of love or passion. She’ll care for his baby in return for the protection of his name. Yet seeing Prudence on their wedding day tests Ross’s willpower to not take his new wife to bed…

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

After finding herself seduced by a rake who only wanted her for her body, Miss Prudence Scott needs to find a husband, to weather any scandal that comes her way. Luckily for her, the Marquis of Cranford, Privateer Ross Vincent, is looking for a wife to give his infant son a mother, and doesn't care about her past. They both come to an agreement to marry, in name only, but it soon becomes obvious that they are both attracted to one another, but with the war against Napoleon on the horizon, will they get their happy ending?

I read the first book in this series a while back, and when I saw that another of Louise's books was available to review on NG, I decided to request it. I loved both of the main characters, in very different ways. Prudence was unlucky in her naivete, but she was strong, and even though she knew she was a bluestocking, from a provincial background, she took to being the Marchioness of Cranford like a duck to water. She had her friends to support her, and Ross in his own way. To be honest, all she needed was a good library to continue her translations of ancient poetry, and the opportunity to get to know little Jon, and love him as much as possible. Ross, on the other hand, was gruff, and uncouth, and hated society for what it had done to his parents. He was brought up in the East End, and had taken to the waters as soon as he had been able to, and it was only a touch of fate that he came into his title. He was more at home on his ships, but allowed himself to open up more and more to Prudence as the book progress. I loved the plot, and the added element of war with Waterloo being unexpectedly thrown in, was a delight, especially how it allowed both of the main characters to understand their feelings properly, and truly be with one another. Such an enjoyable read!

Dates Read:
December 30-31, 2020

4 Stars

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