Pokemon GO! Tag


Alisha from Reality's a Bore tagged me to do this, and it seems really fun. I used to be obsessed with Pokemon when I was younger, and now that Pokemon GO! is out, that obsession has returned. Let's look at my answers.

I can't really that far back - god, I sound like I'm 50 or something - but I loved Harry Potter when I was young. I think they were the first books I read on my own.

Pride & Prejudice, hands down! I'm not a fan of the 'classics', but that is the only one I've read multiple times, and if any other book has any sort of connection with it, I immediately want it.

Lady Midnight - I bought it, and started reading it, but just lost interest so quickly. I'm not keen on CC, and her hype really annoys me.
A Song of Ice and Fire. I nicked my dad's copies, and took them to uni with me three years ago, and still haven't read them.

Stalking Jack the Ripper - not really because it was scary, as such, but I just couldn't put it down.
Wil and Black Knife come to mind straight away, but also Lizzie/Darcy.
The Mirror King. It was the last book I read in one sitting :)

Harry Potter, duh! I need all the spin-offs: Founders, Marauders, Next Gen, etc., etc.

Truthwitch - I've read book 1, and can't wait for Windwitch.

I don't really care about collecting books, or whatnot, but there are some HP editions that are stunning!

A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess
Jennifer Lynn Barnes and Ally Carter

My Lady Jane - I know could buy the US copy, but I prefer paperbacks when I can get them.

I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you want to do it, the choice is yours. Let me know your thoughts below :)

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