ARC Review: Enemies to Lovers by Laura Jane Williams


Enemies to Lovers
Series: None
Author: Laura Jane Williams
Published August 13th 2024 by G.P. Putnam's Sons/August 15th 2024 by Penguin

Goodreads Synopsis
The best way to get over a crush? Simply get to know him better...

Flo Greenberg: highly strung. Over-achiever. And currently on an enforced break from life after The Embarrassing Meltdown Incident That She Does Not Wish To Talk About, Thank You.

Jamie Kramer: her brother's best friend. Pain in the arse. And somehow on Flo's family holiday to Greece.

Flo and Jamie hate each other.

Except, they don't. Flo has a secret. She actually has a mortifying crush on her mortal enemy, and nobody - absolutely nobody, least of all her bonkers family, and certainly not Jamie himself - can know.

And so she has a plan. With two surprise weeks of sharing breakfast, lunch and dinner, boat trips and sun-loungers, Flo is going to have to remedy herself the only way she can think of: by spending time with him.

Actually getting to know Jamie is the perfect cure for Flo's romantic feelings.

Isn't it...?

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher, via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

Flo Greenberg has had a difficult few years, and needs nothing more than a relaxing family holiday. Spending a few weeks in the Greek sun, not having to care about reality, is just what she needs. But when her nemesis, and her brother's best friend, Jamie, appears at the villa, all of Flo's plans are out of the window. She's always had feelings for Jamie, but after he ghosted her last Christmas, she is too embarrassed by what might have been, and wants nothing to do with him. But Jamie might just reciprocate those feelings, and there were other forces at hand keeping them apart. Can these enemies come to the heart of the issue, and open themselves up to love?

I adore the brother's best friend trope nearly as much as the enemies to lovers one, so as soon as I saw the synopsis for this book (and both the UK and US covers) I knew I needed to read it. Flo was a definite overachiever, which led her to have a breakdown due to burnout, and she was on an enforced leave of absence from work. The time with her family was sorely needed, but she also needed to be treated like an adult. I liked the family dynamic, but did also feel like they coddled her a little too much, though perhaps understandably so after her low period. She and Jamie weren't really want I would call enemies, but had always been friends until Christmas happened. Over the holidays they had a "will they, won't they" moment, but then Flo found a note under her bedroom door saying he couldn't break his promise to her brother. I did hate that, and the fact the pair didn't speak about the note until over half way into the story. I guessed what had actually happened, and hated it for them. They honestly were perfect for each other, and were so good together, but had lost out on those months due to other's machinations. The ending was sweet, however, and this was a great book to read over a rainy weekend.

Dates Read:
March 8-9 2024

4 Stars

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