ARC Review: With a Little Help from My Lord (The Beresford Adventures #3) by Cheryl Bolen


With a Little Help from My Lord
Series: The Beresford Adventures #3
Author: Cheryl Bolen
Published December 7th 2021 by Dragonblade Publishing, Inc.

Goodreads Synopsis
He must guard her—but can he guard his heart?

An innocent trip to the book store propels Lady Harriett Beresford into danger when a stranger—grabbing her book and warning of peril from the Fat Man—collapses on her doorstep. Dead. She rushes to find aid, and when she returns, the dead man is gone, and no one believes her account of the fallen book thief.

Alex Muir, Baron Rockingham, has been charged by Devere, his closest friend, to watch out for his sister while he’s away on his wedding trip. When Alex stops by to check on Harriett and she explains her predicament, he’s skeptical. His friend’s exuberant little sister has always had a flair for the dramatic. But when she later turns to him following a harrowing attempt on her life, his doubts are put to rest. She has been telling the truth all along, and he now knows her life is in peril. His protective instincts kick in. He cannot allow her to return to her home. She must stay with him so he can guard over her at all times.

Together, they seek the identity of the Fat Man, and in doing so, they learn of a plot against the regent. As important as it is to Alex to protect the regent, it’s even more important that he keep Harriett safe. Spending so many hours a day with her—and so close to his bedchamber—Alex comes to realize Devere’s youngest sister is no longer a girl. She’s a young woman, a desirable young woman.

But he cannot give in to his searing desire. All that matters is protecting the life of this woman who has come to mean so much to him.

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

For Lady Harriett Beresford, a simple trip to the local bookstore turns out to be anything but. When she is followed home by a stranger, who steals her book and then tells her to beware the Fat Man before dying, Harriett is thrust into a world of danger. Her brother is away on his wedding trip, and there's only best friend Alex Muir, Baron Rockingham, to turn to for help. But Alex has known Harriett her whole life, and she's always had a flair for the dramatics - can he believe her? However, soon they need to rely on each other to survive, and realise that their feelings for each other are more than simple gratitude.

I loved this book. We met both Harriett and Alex in the previous book, and I was hoping that we would see their romance, because the tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. As soon as it started, I was hooked. I found Harriett a little annoying at first - she was very dramatic - but once the action started, and we saw that she was really being serious and caring about protecting herself and those she loves, I was definitely on her side. Alex was a little aloof, but he really cared about Harriett, even before he realised that his feelings weren't platonic, but romantic. He was placating her initially, but when he saw the true danger, he really stepped up. I'm really pleased with how the series ended, and can't wait to see what this author releases next.

Dates Read:
November 28 2021

3 Stars

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