Review: A Lady Never Surrenders (Hellions of Halstead Hall #5) by Sabrina Jeffries


A Lady Never Surrenders
Series: Hellions of Halstead Hall #5
Author: Sabrina Jeffries
Published January 24th 2012 by Pocket Books

Goodreads Synopsis
New York Times bestselling author Sabrina Jeffries delights readers with the final novel in her sexy Regency Hellions of Hallstead Hall romance series, featuring Lady Celia Sharpe and the upstanding Bow Street runner, Pinter.

Lady Celia Sharpe has always been wary of marriage…but now her future depends on it.

With two months left to find a husband and fulfill her grandmother’s ultimatum, Celia sets her sights on three eligible bachelors. Becoming betrothed to one of these wealthy, high-ranking men will surely prove her capable of getting married, so hopefully the wedding itself won’t be necessary for Celia to receive her inheritance. Step two of her audacious plan is hiring the dark and dangerously compelling Bow Street Runner, Jackson Pinter, to investigate the three men she’s chosen.

With Lady Celia bedeviling Jackson’s days and nights, the last thing he wants is to help her find a husband. And when she recalls shadowed memories that lead his investigation into her parents’ mysterious deaths in a new direction, putting her in danger, Jackson realizes the only man he wants Celia to marry is himself!

In the fifth instalment of the series, A Lady Surrenders follows the final Sharpe sibling, Lady Celia as she becomes that last single sibling, needing to find a husband to fulfil her grandmother's ultimatum. She has a couple of months left, and has come up with three suitors who she might settle for. So, she asks Pinter, the Bow Street Runner who's been helping the family, and who she has a love-hate relationship with, to investigate the gentleman. Jackson hasn't been able to stay away from Celia since he first met her, and she really rubs him up the wrong way, and is plaguing his night and days, and he doesn't want to find her a husband, he wants to be that husband. But, he relents, and the more they are together, and the more jealous Jackson gets, it soon is apparent that his feelings aren't one-sided, but Celia doesn't want to give in. She's always felt lacking in some way, especially when she knows more about guns and shooting than most men do, and feels as if her grandmother thinks she isn't marriageable. Can she discover her own self worth, and will Jackson be there to help her?

I think this one was my favourite of the lot. Celia was an adorable character, but also feisty, and strong - with some vulnerabilities thrown in. Losing her parents as a toddler, she can very vague memories about them, but one specific one from the day they died may hold the key to discovering the truth. With Jackson, they investigate further, and seeing the whole mystery finally come together, and the truth come to light, was perfect. The chemistry between the two was also perfect, and I've known since their first encounter in The Truth About Lord Stoneville, that they were a couple to keep an eye on. Because of his upbringing, and not knowing the truth about his heritage, he feels so far beneath the Sharpe's, and not deserving of Celia's attention - something Gran doesn't help with either - but he was more than deserving, and neigh on made for Celia. This is one of the best series I've read, and I'm looking forward to discovering more of Sabrina's books in future.

Dates Read:
September 13-15, 2020

4 Stars

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