Review: Zodiac (Zodiac #1) by Romina Russell


Series: Zodiac #1
Author: Romina Russell
Published December 9th 2014 by Razorbill

Goodreads Synopsis
At the dawn of time, there were 13 Houses in the Zodiac Galaxy. Now only 12 remain….

Rhoma Grace is a 16-year-old student from House Cancer with an unusual way of reading the stars. While her classmates use measurements to make accurate astrological predictions, Rho can’t solve for ‘x’ to save her life—so instead, she looks up at the night sky and makes up stories.

When a violent blast strikes the moons of Cancer, sending its ocean planet off-kilter and killing thousands of citizens—including its beloved Guardian—Rho is more surprised than anyone when she is named the House’s new leader. But, a true Cancerian who loves her home fiercely and will protect her people no matter what, Rho accepts.

Then, when more Houses fall victim to freak weather catastrophes, Rho starts seeing a pattern in the stars. She suspects Ophiuchus—the exiled 13th Guardian of Zodiac legend—has returned to exact his revenge across the Galaxy. Now Rho—along with Hysan Dax, a young envoy from House Libra, and Mathias, her guide and a member of her Royal Guard—must travel through the Zodiac to warn the other Guardians.

But who will believe anything this young novice says? Whom can Rho trust in a universe defined by differences? And how can she convince twelve worlds to unite as one Zodiac?

Embark on a dazzling journey with ZODIAC, the first novel in an epic sci-fi-meets-high-fantasy series set in a galaxy inspired by the astrological signs.

I have kept hearing about this book for so long, and when I found a copy in my local charity shop, I decided to give it a go. Zodiac is set in space, where the 12 signs of the zodiac - you know the ones - are actually different worlds and star systems, called Houses. Each of the Houses have their own traits, and the main character, Rhoma, is from House Cancer. She's 16, a student, and has been trying to solve what should be a simple astrological puzzle, that is somehow stumping her. Whenever she looks at it, she sees something, a blur or shadow, that no one else can see, and they don't believe her. Well, when the 'shadow' starts causing different catastrophes across all of the Houses, Rho is lauded as a hero for seeing the pattern, and discovering the mysterious '13th House'. The Guardian of that house, Ophiuchus, is set on revenge, and it's up to Rho, her friend and guard, Mathias, and the mysterious Hysan Dax, an envoy for House Libra who may just be hiding something.

I did like this book, but there was just something to it that was lacking. It took me about three weeks to get through it all, and honestly, that's about as long as I'll give a book before I DNF it. Rho seemed like most other YA protagonists - the 'Special One', fated to save the world/universe, who people don't quite understand, but has love interest coming out of everywhere. Nothing actually made her special - she wasn't a character I loved. I did enjoy the idea of bring the Zodiac into a fantasy world, and Hysan was a good love interest and character, but he was probably the best of a bad bunch. The love triangle was annoying, as was the other love interest, Mathias, who I just found rude, and annoying, and detrimental to the whole story.

I've got the next book on my shelf, so will probably read it, but I'm not jumping at the bit to get to it.

Dates Read:
December 6-23, 2018

3 Stars

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