Review: Royals (Royals #1) by Rachel Hawkins


Series: Royals #1
Author: Rachel Hawkins
Published May 3rd 2018 by Scholastic

Goodreads Synopsis
Meet Daisy Winters. She’s an offbeat sixteen-year-old Floridian with mermaid-red hair; a part time job at a bootleg Walmart, and a perfect older sister who’s nearly engaged to the Crown Prince of Scotland. Daisy has no desire to live in the spotlight, but relentless tabloid attention forces her join Ellie at the relative seclusion of the castle across the pond. 

While the dashing young Miles has been appointed to teach Daisy the ropes of being regal, the prince’s roguish younger brother kicks up scandal wherever he goes, and tries his best to take Daisy along for the ride. The crown–and the intriguing Miles–might be trying to make Daisy into a lady . . . but Daisy may just rewrite the royal rulebook to suit herself.

I simply adore any and all books that involve royalty, so when this book was announced, it was immediately preordered - though my copy went on a bit of a detour before it arrived. When Daisy's older sister - who's perfect, don't you know - becomes engaged to the Scottish Crown Prince, she is thrown into the spotlight, and soon finds herself in Scotland rather than at home in Florida. Coming to terms with all of the rules and regulations about becoming a member of the extended royal family, Daisy finds herself amongst the well to do, when she's the opposite. Luckily, Miles is at hand to help her understand just what is expected, but nothing happens smoothly, and there is a whole lot of drama with the Royals, particularly the twins Seb and Flora.

I flew through this book in one day, and it was actually the bank holiday weekend, and even though I sometimes get car sick, I wouldn't put it down as we went out for the day. The plot isn't that memorable, but that wasn't really necessary, as the characters were all wonderful, Daisy and Miles in particular, and they more than made up for it. Daisy was so real, and flawed, unlike her sister, and her attitude was lovely, especially once we got to know her more, and realise she was using it as a crutch to disguise her unease at the situation she was pushed into. The romance was unbelievably good! Such a slow burn that I wanted to scream at times, but it was all worth it in the end. The ending was a bit quick, but with book 2 now being confirmed, I can't wait to learn how everyone has been doing since leaving them in Royals (now called Prince Charming).

Dates Read:
May 6, 2018

5 Stars

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